Legal notice
1. Presentation of Our Website
Legal notice
Our website has been created by the digital marketing agency Strateege Creative.
The website is the property of Silka Design – SARL, which is located: 1 avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris.
Silka Design is responsible for the publication.
The webmaster, Tzuri Gueta, is responsible for the administration and maintenance of the website.
Both can be reached by phone at the following number: or by email: [email protected].
The website is hosted by VPS.NET
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New York, NY, 10006
United States
2. Terms and Conditions of Use
By using our website, you fully agree to our terms and conditions. Open to all visitors, it may need maintenance and access could be interrupted. Silka Design will send notice to its users of maintenance day and time.
3. Services and Products Offered by gives information on the goods offered by Silka Design and the company’s activity.
4. Contractual Limitations
The information given on our website is as precise as possible. However we decline liability for any technical inaccuracy or lack of information. If you were to notice a mistake or absence of instruction, feel free to reach out and let us know by email at [email protected] or by phone:
Any website linked directly or indirectly to ours is not controlled by us. Consequently, we cannot ensure the accuracy of the information found on those sites.
Using JavaScript technology, will not be held responsible for any material damage due to its use, nor for any other type of consequence following the visit of, whether direct or indirect (bug, incompatibility, virus, market loss, etc.).
5. Site Content and Copyright
Any content found on our website is the exclusive property of Silka Design. Any violation of that intellectual property right is punished by French law (article L.335-2 of the Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle), with sentences of up to 2-year prison term and up to 150 000€ fines.
The website will not be liable for any offensive, racist, defamatory or pornographic messages left on its interactive parts. It will do its best to moderate and reserves the right to delete any such message or any statement going against the laws applicable in France or against the company’s values.
By visiting our website, the viewer consents to cookies being installed on their computer.
6. Personal Data and Privacy
The information gathered through the website is collected for the sole purpose of platform use: order sheet, newsletter subscription. Unsubscription to the newsletter is available through the link at the bottom of the page.
Silka Design commits not to sell or rent any customer data collected through the website in any possible way. It might however pass on the necessary information to third parties participating in the order process (delivery or transportation companies and agents).
According to French legislation (loi « informatique et libertés » from 1978 and amended in 2004), the user can have access to the information collected about them and can ask modification at any given time, by email at [email protected] and by mail at “1 avenue Daumesnil 75012 Paris, France”.
7. Applicable Law
Governed by French law, the website fall under the scope of the following pieces of legislation:
Loi n° 2004-2005 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, Article L.335-2 du Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle
Loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée en 2004.